Amplifier Therapeutics investment analysis

October 23, 2023

This is not investment advice. We used AI and automated software tools for most of this research. We did some fact checking but cannot guarantee the accuracy of everything in the article. We do not have a position in or a relationship with the company.


Amplifier Therapeutics, a Sweden-based biopharma company, is developing AMPK (AMP-activated protein kinase) activator compounds. These compounds target a spectrum of diseases associated with aging, such as metabolic conditions, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, and cancer.

The lead program, ATX-304, is a peripherally restricted pan-AMPK activator. It has demonstrated beneficial impacts on glucose and lipid metabolism, energy expenditure in various animal models of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular functionality, and exercise endurance. ATX-304 is being studied in a Phase 1b clinical trial.

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is primarily recognized as a cellular energy sensor. It activates in response to declining energy reserves. AMPK is tied to many body functions and has a crucial role in aging. As we grow older, AMPK's efficiency drops, which might influence how our body functions in old age.

Despite its potential, creating drugs that safely target AMPK has been tough due to its complexity. Currently, there are no approved drugs that directly activate AMPK.

The company recently completed a Series A financing round, led by Cambrian, that accumulated $33.25 million. RA Capital and Future Ventures joined the round.

Amplifier Therapeutics Pipeline Overview

Product name Modality Target Indication Discovery Preclinical Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 FDA submission Commercial
ATX-304 Small molecule AMPK activator Cardiometabolic diseases

Highlights and risks


Targeting several large indications including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular disease, cancer and aging

Targeting a central regulator of cellular energy that taps into some of the same pathways our bodies use during exercise or caloric restriction

Preliminary human data suggests safety and some positive impact in diabetes, albeit in a small, short study with important limitations

Pan-AMPK activation has potential advantages over other, more selective AMPK activators


Targeting such a central pathway creates potential for toxicity

Limited visibility into clinical development pathway

Targeting expensive indications, and choosing the wrong initial indications could be tough to recover from

Significant competition in target indications, including from GLP-1 agonists in cardiometabolic disorders


Based on the round size of $33M and the fact that Series A rounds often take 15-60% of total equity, we estimate the round was priced at $55-200M. RA Capital Management, a leading crossover investor, participated in the Series A round. Assuming the company generates positive Phase 1b data with the Series A proceeds, and initiates a well-designed Phase 2 study in a tractable indication with significant unmet need, the company could be an IPO candidate after a Series B raise.

Recent comparable IPOs have garnered post-money valuations ranging from $600M to over $1B, and if the company is able to go public after a Series B round, Series A investors would likely receive a significant mark-up on their investment. Positive Phase 2, or, more likely, Phase 3 data could catalyze an acquisition, depending on the study design, indication and study results. A safe and effective AMPK activator could address many large indications that would be attractive for potential big pharma acquirors.

However, at the time of this writing, the IPO window is largely closed. Based on IPO market volume and the number of companies seeking IPO, the probability of an IPO after Series B ranges from low single-digit percentage to low double-digits.

Because the company has not specified a clinical development pathway, we did not conduct a DCF analysis.

Pipeline analysis

Scientific thesis

AMPK plays central role in regulating cellular energy homeostasis. The therapeutic potential of AMPK activation spans a variety of conditions, including metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and aging-related disorders.

AMPK is often referred to as a "metabolic master switch". It is activated in response to an increase in the AMP/ATP ratio, which occurs when cellular energy levels are low. Once activated, AMPK promotes catabolic pathways that generate ATP, such as glucose uptake and fatty acid oxidation, while inhibiting anabolic pathways that consume ATP, like lipid and protein synthesis.

AMPK promotes glucose uptake in muscles, ensuring cells have an adequate energy supply, especially during exercise. It enhances the breakdown of fats in the liver and skeletal muscle. It does this by inhibiting fatty acid synthesis and promoting fatty acid oxidation. AMPK can also downregulates protein synthesis, which is an energy-consuming process, during energy-depleted states, and stimulate the production of new mitochondria, the cell's energy factories, ensuring that cells can efficiently produce ATP.

AMPK plays an important role in many prevalent, chronic diseases:

Perhaps the most well-known AMPK activator is metformin, a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes. Metformin is thought to work, at least in part, by indirectly activating AMPK. Its precise mechanism remains a topic of investigation, but its effect on improving insulin sensitivity has been linked to AMPK activation.

AMPK is linked to health and longevity, activated by factors like caloric restriction, exercise, certain hormones, and traditional herbal medicines.

Drug development targeting AMPK has faced challenges due to the enzyme's complexity. With multiple subunits and isoforms, achieving selective and safe activation has been difficult. Additionally, while AMPK activation has beneficial effects, overactivation might be detrimental. Striking the right balance is crucial. Advances in understanding AMPK's structure and function, as well as the development of more selective activators, have renewed interest in AMPK as a therapeutic target.

In addition to the challenge of targeting the variety of AMPK isoforms involved in many indications, there are safety considerations for drugs targeting AMPK:

ATX-304 is a peripherally restricted pan-AMPK activator. The advantages of a pan-AMPK activator that activates all AMPK isoforms, compared to more selective AMPK activators, include 1) potential to address multiple conditions simultaneously, given that AMPK plays a role in various cellular processes, 2) bypass isoform specificity in conditions where multiple AMPK isoforms are involved, and 3) have synergistic effects by activating multiple isoforms across different tissues or cellular processes.

There are also challenges associated with pan-AMPK activation.

These challenges could potentially be mitigated through dosing and titration, combinatorial therapies to counteract side effects, targeted delivery to specific tissues or cells, regular monitoring of biomarkers related to AMPK activation, and targeted patient selection.


ATX-304 (formerly known as O304) has been studied in several animal models, as well as a Phase 2a proof-of-concept study. Key findings include:

We discuss the clinical data in more detail below. Regarding the preclinical data, it is important to note several limitations:

Clinical data

O304 was studied in the TELLUS Phase 2a clinical trial. The TELLUS study is a 28-day Phase IIa clinical trial investigating the effects of a first-in-class AMPK activator, O304 (1000 mg/day), in patients with Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) who have been on Metformin for at least 3 months. This was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial.

Included patients were males and females, aged 18-80, with uncomplicated T2D, on a stable regimen of Metformin for 3 or more months, and had an HbA1c level between 6.5% and 9.0%. Key exclusion criteria comprised a history of severe cardiovascular events and clinically significant abnormalities in certain medical tests.

Key findings

Blood Glucose Levels: Patients in the O304 group experienced a statistically significant reduction in fasting plasma glucose (FPG) levels by day 28 compared to day 1. The observed significant reduction started between day 21 and day 28. This is consistent with the timeframe seen in DIO mice, suggesting the effect takes at least 2 weeks to manifest.

Microvascular Perfusion: O304 led to an increased peripheral microvascular perfusion in the calf muscle of T2D patients, as observed using MRI. Specifically, those with relatively lower perfusion rates at baseline benefitted more from O304, showing enhanced hyperemic microvascular perfusion.

Blood Pressure: O304 administration resulted in a statistically significant reduction in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by day 28 compared to the placebo group. The average reduction in systolic blood pressure was 5.8 mmHg, and for diastolic blood pressure, it was 3.8 mmHg in the O304 group.

Heart Rate: There was no significant change in heart rate in either the O304 or the placebo group by day 28.

Advantages of the study included the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design; statistically significant findings; alignment with preclinical data; and absense of significant safety and tolerability concerns.

Limitations of the design include short duration (a 28-day duration may be considered relatively short, especially for a chronic condition like T2D), limited patient diversity, and single dosage. Further, comparison with other second-line treatments like GLP-1 agonists, SGLT2 inhibitors, or DPP-4 inhibitors wasn't made. Given the recent positive data of GLP-1 agonists in diabetes, it will be important to identify a specific clinical role for O304. Further, more specific limitations include:

The TELLUS study provides valuable preliminary insights into O304's potential benefits for T2D patients. However, there are significant design limitations that could impact the interpretation of its results. The most concerning aspects are the imbalances in baseline characteristics and the study's short duration given O304's pharmacokinetics.

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Chemical structure

The chemical structure of ATX-304 / O304 showcases a molecule with several structural features that may be pharmacologically relevant, especially in the context of AMPK activation:

In the context of AMPK activation, the presence of heterocycles could allow the molecule to engage in π-π stacking or other non-covalent interactions with aromatic amino acid residues of the protein. The chlorine substituents could enhance binding to hydrophobic pockets of AMPK or other proteins involved in its activation pathway. The amide group might be crucial for positioning the molecule correctly within the binding site or for forming critical interactions.

It's also worth noting that many successful drugs contain similar structural features, so the presence of these functionalities in O304 makes it plausible as a pharmacologically active molecule. However, the real relevance of these features, especially in the context of AMPK activation, would be determined by the specific interactions O304 has with AMPK or associated proteins, which would typically be elucidated through detailed biochemical and biophysical studies.

Based on the structure of the molecule, there are several areas of potential concern or further investigation:

Market opportunity

AMPK has garnered significant attention as a potential drug target due to its central role in regulating cellular energy balance. A pan-AMPK agonist could have profound implications in several disease areas, including metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. While this is more speculative, there's evidence that AMPK activation can extend lifespan in certain organisms.

As the company has not yet identified specific indications it is pursuing, it is not possible to create a revenue build or market model. At a high-level, Metabolic disorders like diabetes represent a massive market. The global diabetes drugs market alone is worth several tens of billions of USD. Cardiovascular drugs also represent a huge market, given the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases globally. The markets for cancer disorders are also substantial, given the high cost of treatments and the increasing incidence with aging populations.

Selection of the appropriate development plan will be critical, given the high cost of drug development in prevalent, chronic conditions.

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